

Sep 21, 2004
ok, this must be the 3rd or 4th post like this that ive seen on this forum

over the years. I do not understand what makes a guy write a letter to

post on a gambling forum about his dog. Call your mother and tell her, or

talk to your wife/husband. I guess you will be getting a new dog this week

isnt that how it goes?

p.s. i know i am an insensitive ass

powdered milkman
Aug 4, 2006
Highdaddy said:
ok, this must be the 3rd or 4th post like this that ive seen on this forum

over the years. I do not understand what makes a guy write a letter to

post on a gambling forum about his dog. Call your mother and tell her, or

talk to your wife/husband. I guess you will be getting a new dog this week

isnt that how it goes?

p.s. i know i am an insensitive ass
same thing happened to me over a month ago it was like putting my child down and u wouldnt understand

"i don't know about morals, but I do have rules."
Nov 6, 2006
Your right you are an insensitive ass

Highdaddy said:
ok, this must be the 3rd or 4th post like this that ive seen on this forum

over the years. I do not understand what makes a guy write a letter to

post on a gambling forum about his dog. Call your mother and tell her, or

talk to your wife/husband. I guess you will be getting a new dog this week

isnt that how it goes?

p.s. i know i am an insensitive ass

I am so sorry about your loss. I have a pet that has been my friend, companion, and just about everything else to me for 8 years. When he goes, I will be in mourning as if for a member of my family - which he is. All you can do is comfort yourself with what you already know. The life in store for him would be cruel and unjust. You are doing him a service by not making his life a misery in this way. I admire your courage. I'm not sure I would be able to give up my own selfishness in order to do what is best for the dog. Take care and don't be hard on yourself no matter which decision you make. All you can do is your best.

May 24, 2006
Oh, God, don't get me wrong, I love pets, but please just STFU. Saddest days in your life? I guess you never experience anything else other than you dog.

New member
Oct 21, 2004
Chairman said:
Oh, God, don't get me wrong, I love pets, but please just STFU. Saddest days in your life? I guess you never experience anything else other than you dog.
you have no idea what you're talking about.

your pets, parents, and "friends" must have all hated you. haha

morally bankrupt
Nov 23, 2004
Chairman said:
Oh, God, don't get me wrong, I love pets, but please just STFU. Saddest days in your life? I guess you never experience anything else other than you dog.

Agreed completely. Okay you're sad, understandable.

Saddest day of your life? Havn't cried this hard in 20 years? Please, it's a dog for fucks sake, and you've only had him for 3 years. Stupid dog doesn't know whats what he even bit you. People eat these things in asia, they're animals like cows.

Really, sucks you are sad, was just trying to put things in perspective. Hope you can get over it :103631605

Part Bionic and Organic
Feb 21, 2003
fucnluc said:
Agreed completely. Okay you're sad, understandable.

Saddest day of your life? Havn't cried this hard in 20 years? Please, it's a dog for fucks sake, and you've only had him for 3 years. Stupid dog doesn't know whats what he even bit you. People eat these things in asia, they're animals like cows.

Really, sucks you are sad, was just trying to put things in perspective. Hope you can get over it :103631605


New member
Nov 19, 2004
Highdaddy said:
p.s. i know i am an insensitive ass

just an ass, plain and simple. Who are you to decide what is discussed here?

Logan, what breed is he?

New member
Jul 27, 2006
Highdaddy said:
ok, this must be the 3rd or 4th post like this that ive seen on this forum

over the years. I do not understand what makes a guy write a letter to

post on a gambling forum about his dog. Call your mother and tell her, or

talk to your wife/husband. I guess you will be getting a new dog this week

isnt that how it goes?

p.s. i know i am an insensitive ass

Yes-You are a pathetic sensitive ass with no self esteem so you build yourself up by putting others down.If you dont like a post about a dog loss then why would you take the time to even look at the post much less write something mean.
Some Bad stuff must have happened to you in your life to make you this way.You are scary.

Sep 21, 2004

New member
Nov 13, 2006
Highdaddy said:
ok, this must be the 3rd or 4th post like this that ive seen on this forum

over the years. I do not understand what makes a guy write a letter to

post on a gambling forum about his dog. Call your mother and tell her, or

talk to your wife/husband. I guess you will be getting a new dog this week

isnt that how it goes?

p.s. i know i am an insensitive ass


New member
Jun 2, 2006
Highdaddy said:
I guess you will be getting a new dog this week

isnt that how it goes?

p.s. i know i am an insensitive ass

And I guess you'd be getting a new set of dentures if I ever ran into your insensitive ass in the street, cuz I'd break your mouth.

I have two Jack Russel Terriers that I'd go to war over, and if I had to, I'd go to jail for breaking your face if you ever did anything to them.
As a matter of fact, I'd break your face just for general principles.

Correct, you are an insensitve ass, the worst kind also, the kind that can sit in their parents basement, because they have no lives, and post whatever they want, because they know they are cowardly nameless, faceless jackholes.

New member
Jul 27, 2006
billhill999 said:
And I guess you'd be getting a new set of dentures if I ever ran into your insensitive ass in the street, cuz I'd break your mouth.

I have two Jack Russel Terriers that I'd go to war over, and if I had to, I'd go to jail for breaking your face if you ever did anything to them.
As a matter of fact, I'd break your face just for general principles.

Correct, you are an insensitve ass, the worst kind also, the kind that can sit in their parents basement, because they have no lives, and post whatever they want, because they know they are cowardly nameless, faceless jackholes.

well said!!!! Some guys are assholes by accident,this Guy is an asshole on purpose.He is a complete loser!:tongue2:
Sep 20, 2004
fucnluc said:
Agreed completely. Okay you're sad, understandable.

Saddest day of your life? Havn't cried this hard in 20 years? Please, it's a dog for fucks sake, and you've only had him for 3 years. Stupid dog doesn't know whats what he even bit you. People eat these things in asia, they're animals like cows.

Really, sucks you are sad, was just trying to put things in perspective. Hope you can get over it :103631605

Very rude and disrespectful. I'm sure when your buried people will say it was just another human being for fuck sake. The guy wasn't worth a shit since he gambled all his hard earned money away. People eat other people as well. Have you ever heard of cannibalism?

morally bankrupt
Nov 23, 2004
sportsmonitor said:
Very rude and disrespectful. I'm sure when your buried people will say it was just another human being for fuck sake. The guy wasn't worth a shit since he gambled all his hard earned money away. People eat other people as well. Have you ever heard of cannibalism?

Yeah, lets compare doggie deaths to human deaths..good point, moron. What are we 9 years old? Havn't you lost a family member? I have, and my cat died when I was 12. They don't even compare. Put things in perspective asshole, people are losing their kids everyday in Iraq, my comment was simply to help him get over it. Losses are tough, but there could have been a worse loss in this guys life than a crazy dog.
Sep 20, 2004
fucnluc said:
Yeah, lets compare doggie deaths to human deaths..good point, moron. What are we 9 years old? Havn't you lost a family member? I have, and my cat died when I was 12. They don't even compare. Put things in perspective asshole, people are losing their kids everyday in Iraq, my comment was simply to help him get over it. Losses are tough, but there could have been a worse loss in this guys life than a crazy dog.

If you had anymore weapons of mass destruction like that weiner on the top of your shoulders you would be dangerous dickhead. The guy obviously cared for his dog very much to cry for the first time in 20 yrs. and the only thing you can say "it's a dog for fucks sake, and you've only had him for 3 years. Stupid dog doesn't know whats what he even bit you." Take a look in the mirror and you will see a real asshole indeed. You didn't have to say that. You could have thought it but it was totally unnecessary for you to say that. You could have offered your condolences and nothing else. If you don't have anything nice to say then don't say it all. You can only expect others to bash you as well.

morally bankrupt
Nov 23, 2004
Haha, wtf? Weiner on my shoulder? I don't even know how to reply to that, I'm speechless. Anyways, carry on. I apologize for not understanding that losing a dog could be the most devastingly sad things to happen in your life, or the past 20 years. I guess I'm not that lonely. Condolences.

New member
Oct 21, 2004
fucnluc said:
Haha, wtf? Weiner on my shoulder? I don't even know how to reply to that, I'm speechless. Anyways, carry on. I apologize for not understanding that losing a dog could be the most devastingly sad things to happen in your life, or the past 20 years. I guess I'm not that lonely. Condolences.
has nothing to do with being lonely. stop digging yourself a deeper hole.

morally bankrupt
Nov 23, 2004
Dsethi said:
has nothing to do with being lonely. stop digging yourself a deeper hole.

Deeper hole? What are you my mommy? What you think of me different now? Am I going to get grounded? I'm going to cry. Thats my opinion, and nobody can change it. Sorry if it gets sand in your vagina.

New member
Oct 21, 2004
fucnluc said:
Deeper hole? What are you my mommy? What you think of me different now? Am I going to get grounded? I'm going to cry. Thats my opinion, and nobody can change it. Sorry if it gets sand in your vagina.
wow that was clever. good work.

i didn't think much of you to begin with, so no, i don't think any different of you now. i wouldn't wish poorly on anyone but maybe you'll go through hardships one day, look for solace, and find none. would serve you right. seems like that's the only way you'll learn the meaning of compassion.

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